Calculate DNA methylation level


Calculate DNA methylation level from alignment files, you can obtained single-base cytosine DNA methylation results, and the chromosome region DNA methylation levels files.

An example usage is:
  with bam file:
    calmeth [options] -g genome.fa  -b alignment.sort.bam -m output.methrario.txt
  with sam file:
    calmeth [options] -g genome.fa  -i alignment.sort.sam -m output.methrario.txt


The bam or sam file MUST sorted by samtools sort.


[ Main paramaters ]


[MethFileNamePrefix] Predix of methratio output file


Name of the genome mapped against, MUST build index first Build index


Sam format file, sorted by samtools sort.


Bam format file, sorted by samtools sort.

-Q [int]

caculate the methratio while read QulityScore >= Q. default:20

-n [float]

Number of mismatches, default 0.06 percentage of read length. [0-1]


>= <INT> coverage. default:4


>= <INT> Cs per region. default:1


Bins for DMR caculate , default 1000(1kb) .


DNA methylation level distributions in chrosome, default output file: {Prefix}.methBins.txt


Chrosome using an overlapping sliding window of 100000bp at a step of 50000bp. default step: 50000(bp)


REMOVE_DUP, default:true

-f|--sam [outfile]

f for sam format outfile contain methState.


Converting BS read to the genome sequences.


Print help

Output files

1. prefix.methratio.txt
2. prefix.methBins.txt
3. prefix_Region.CG/CHG/CHH.txt
4. prefix.mCdensity.txt
5. prefix.mCcatero.txt

Output file format

1. methratio
    Chromosome Loci Strand Context C_count CT_count methlevel eff_CT_count rev_G_count rev_GA_count MethContext 5context
    # ex. Chr1    61      +       CHH     3       11      0.286364        10.5    20      21      hU      ATCTT
    # C_count      The number of C in this base pair.
    # CT_count     The number of coverage in this base pair.
    # eff_CT_count Adjust read coverage based on opposite strand.
    # rev_G_count  The number of G in the reverse strand.
    # rev_GA_count The number of coverage in the reverse strand.
    # MethContext  M/Mh/H/hU/U, M means the methylation level ≥ 80%, etc
2. methBins
    Chrom BinIndex methlevel context
    # ex. Chr1    1       0.113674        CG
    # The BinIndex is defined by -s paramater in calmeth.
    # This file can be used for visualization the DNA methylation level acorss the chromosome.
3. Region
    chrom regionStart strand context c_count ct_count
    # ex. Chr1    1001    +       CG      1       227
    # The bins methylation level output file (BS.mr_Region.C*.txt) can be used to do DMR detection.
4. mCdensity
    CG/CHG/CHH C count in [0, 1%) [1%, 2%) ... [49%, 50%) ... [99%, 100%]
    # According to the DNA methylation level, the number of cytosine sites at different methylation levels was counted from 0 to 100.
5. mCcatero
    Average DNA methylation level including mC, mCG and other states.


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