
BatMeth2 align


DNA methylation sequencing single-end data alignment:

An example usage is:
    batmeth2 -g /data/index/genome/genome.fa -i Read.fq.gz -o outPrefix -p 10


DNA methylation sequencing paired-end data alignment:

An example usage is:
    batmeth2 -g /data/index/genome/genome.fa -1 Read_R1_left.fq.gz -2 Read_R2_right.fq.gz\
    -o outPrefix -p 10


[ Main paramaters ]


bs-seq input fastq files, fastq format or gzip format


Name of the genome mapped against, MUST build index first Build index


Name of output file prefix


Launch <integer> threads


Alignments to all four bisulfite strands will be reported. Default: OFF.


inital insert size, default 600, will be aoto detected by input files


standard deviatiion of reads distribution, will aoto detected by input


size of flanking region for Smith-Waterman


try at most <integer> sw extensions


indel size


not to find the indels result


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Note: To use BatMeth2, you need to first index the genome with Build index.


For feature requests or bug reports please open an issue on github.